Peter Wilcock KC

Year of Call: 1988 | Year of Silk: 2012

"Peter is incredibly smart, very patient and someone with a beautiful court presence."

Chambers UK, 2024 (Crime)

"Peter is an amazing silk and stands out a mile... His style is considered and smart, his court presence is second to none, and he always has time for his peers and junior members at the Bar. He is a privilege to work with."

Legal 500, 2024 (Crime)

"He has a very nice, understated advocacy style."

Chambers UK, 2024 (Crime)

"A brilliant KC whom I would have no hesitation in instructing in the most serious cases. Peter is absolutely meticulous in his preparation and excellent in court. He also has fantastic client care skills and is happy to assist throughout the case."

Chambers UK, 2023

"An outstanding silk who works tirelessly. He is incredibly good with clients who have mental health issues."

Chambers UK, 2022 (Crime)

"Peter is a clever and hard working lawyer. He can both do technical law and knock-about advocacy. Jurors like his easy warmth and judges trust and respect him. A real star of the Bar."

Legal 500, 2022 (Crime)


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Peter Wilcock's defence practice encompasses many major, complex and high-profile trials and appeals as well as inquests, public inquiries, regulatory and crime-related civil proceedings.

He has a particular interest in psychiatric issues and has sat as a Tribunal Judge in the MHRT for over 20 years. He is currently instructed on behalf of the Northern Ireland Covid Bereaved Families for Justice in the ongoing UK Covid-19 Inquiry, and has a developing regulatory practice including proceedings before the GMC and Traffic Commissioners.

Criminal Defence


Peter's criminal work has encompassed the full range of serious offences from fraud, to terrorism, organised crime and murder. He has been consistently recommended in both the Legal 500 and the Chambers UK Bar Guide for Crime.

Since taking silk in 2012, Peter has appeared in the Hillsborough Inquests (representing seven families), around 40 murder trials, several large (and ongoing) fraud trials, the Birmingham riots trial (during which it was alleged the defendants attempted to shoot down a police helicopter), cases of rape and child cruelty and an allegation of preparing for acts of terrorism.

Notable Cases

Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.

R v Hall (October/November 2023) – Represented Defendant acquitted of murder and manslaughter in relation to homeless ex-barrister. (Man murdered vulnerable homeless person in a Canterbury car park | ITV News Meridian)

R v X (September 2023) – represented Defendant accused of money-laundering proceeds of extensive drug dealing OCG. Case ongoing.

R v Browne (June/July 2023, St Albans Crown Court) – represented Defendant acquitted of murder during “honeytrap” robbery. (Five found guilty of Bushy man's 'honeytrap' killing - BBC News)

R v Batler – (May 2023, Manchester Crown Court) – represented Defendant charged with attempted murder during street shooting at Manchester Carnival. (Kirklees men jailed over gang violence at Manchester Caribbean Carnival - BBC News)

R v Miah (January/March 2023, Loughborough Crown Court) – represented Defendant acquitted of murder in the course of robbery of cannabis farm. (Tunbridge Wells: Gang convicted over cannabis farm murder - BBC News)

R v Nkrumah-Buansi (October 2022/January 2023, Woolwich Crown Court) – Represented Defendant acquitted of murder in the course of repeated robberies of drug dealers.

R v Ferrier (September 2022, Woolwich Crown Court) – Represented Defendant acquitted of murder

R v Ali (June/July 2022, Central Criminal Court) - Represented Defendant acquitted of murder during a drug deal which went wrong.

R v X (March to June 2022, Newcastle Crown Court) - Represented 15 year old accused along with 9 others of murder at a local fair. The case was reported nationally. See ITV news coverage here.

R v W – (February 2022, Basildon Crown Court) – Represented “Bouncer” acquitted of manslaughter whilst working at a club. The case was reported in the BBC.

R v Leighton (October/December 2021, Central Criminal Court) - Represented Defendant accused, along with her son, of murder in the course of a postcode gang dispute. Proceedings are ongoing.

R v Z (August/October 2021, Central Criminal Court) - Represented 17-year-old Defendant accused of murder, along with 4 others, in the course of “tit for tat” attacks. Proceedings are ongoing.

R v Y (July/August 2021, Central Criminal Court) - Represented 17-year-old Defendant accused of murder, along with 3 others, of a “random” postcode attack in which a member of the public was stabbed to death. The case was reported in the BBC.

R v X (June 2021, Harrow Crown Court) - Represented 16-year-old Defendant accused of murder in the course of drug dealing.

R v Spencer (April/May 2021, Central Criminal Court) - Represented Defendant acquitted of murder. Prosecution case was that he was part of team responsible for the shooting of an innocent member of the public mistakenly targeted in the course of gang feud. The case was reported in the BBC.

R v Harris (March/April 2021, Basildon Crown Court) - Represented Defendant acquitted of murder during the course of a bungled burglary of a cannabis factory. The case was reported in the BBC.

R v Kudi (March 2021, Lewes Crown Court) - Represented Defendant who pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of her 20-month-old child by abandoning her for 6 days to celebrate her 18th birthday. The case received national publicity including the Guardian and the BBC

R v Francesco D’Agastino (September/October 2020, Brighton Crown Court) - Represented Defendant accused of murdering his drug dealer having previously sent a text to a friend stating: “Tonight I will commit a murder.”

R v Vishal Thapar (January/February 2020, Leeds Crown Court) – A three-handed cut-throat case, in which the Defendants were all charged with attempted murder x 4, arson with intent to endanger life and reckless arson. D was prepared to plead guilty to reckless arson at the outset, as he was caught on CCTV setting light to a house in which a family were sleeping. However, the Crown would not accept such a plea. After a 6 week trial, he was acquitted of attempted murder and arson with intent and convicted of reckless arson only. The case was reported in the BBC.

R v NK (November/December 2019, Bristol Crown Court)
Represented Defendant acquitted of “County Lines” dispute murder.

R v Choudhry (October 2019, Birmingham Crown Court)
Represented Defendant accused of “family feud” murder.
R v Khan (June to September 2019, Southwark Crown Court)
Represented Defendant in retrial of UK’s largest immigration fraud and attempting to cheat HMRC of payroll tax in the region of £16.6 million. The case was reported in the Daily Mail.
R v X (May 2019, Exeter Crown Court)
Represented Defendant accused of murder. 
R v Welsh (April 2019, Central Criminal Court)

Represented Defendant accused of murdering her husband. The case was reported by the national press including Mirror.
R v M (January 2019, Northampton Crown Court)
Represented Defendant acquitted of rape.
R v M (November to December 2018, Central Criminal Court)
Represented Defendant accused of murder involving the use of knives and a car to run the deceased down. The case was reported in the BBC and the Daily Mirror.
R v Khan (March to November 2018, Southwark Crown Court)
Represented Defendant in multi-handed trial of UK’s largest immigration fraud and attempting to cheat HMRC of payroll tax in the region of £16.6 million. All other defendants convicted. Jury could not agree on K. Case reported in national press including Standard

R v A (January 2018)
Represented Defendant in well-publicised prosecution for tax cheat.

R v Abeka-Soares (November- December 2017, Central Criminal Court)
Represented Defendant accused of knife murder. This case was reported by the BBC and the Daily Mail.

R v Blackwell (September-October 2017, Blackfriars Crown Court)
Represented defendant acquitted of alleged conspiracy to murder in which victim was shot on his driveway. This case was reported by the BBC.

R v Mould (July- August 2017, Newcastle Crown Court)
Represented defendant accused of murder. This case was reported by the BBC.

R v Morrison (July 2017, Oxford Crown Court)
Represented defendant acquitted of murder, the jury having been told of his conviction for attempting to murder the deceased who had consequently been in a coma for 10 years. Press report at Oxford Mail.

R v Laurent (June 2017, Central Criminal Court)
Represented defendant acquitted of murder.

R v H (2) (March to May 2017, Snaresbrook Crown Court)
Represented defendant acquitted of large-scale immigration fraud.

R v Carpenter (March 2017, Central Criminal Court)
Represented defendant acquitted of murder. See press reports on Court News.

R v Halliday-Fox (October 2016, Nottingham Crown Court)
Represented Defendant accused of murder outside nightclub. This case was reported by the BBC.

R v H (1) (January - February 2017 Snaresbrook Crown Court)
Represented Defendant acquitted of large-scale immigration fraud.

R v Pike (September 2016, Cardiff Crown Court)
Represented Defendant accused of murder. This case was reported by the BBC.

R v Gomez (July 2016, Central Criminal Court)
Represented Defendant acquitted of murder.

R v Rahman (July 2016, Central Criminal Court)
Represented Defendant accused of murdering a business rival in 1997 having been extradited to the UK from USA. This case was reported in the Daily Mirror.

R v Odunyemi (June 2016, Central Criminal Court)
Represented Defendant acquitted of murder outside nightclub in Central London. This case was reported in the Daily Mirror.

R v H (May 2016, Snaresbrook Crown Court)
Represented Defendant in large-scale immigration fraud proceedings.

R v Olisa (February 2016, Central Criminal Court)
Represented Defendant acquitted of murdering alleged drug dealer. This case was reported in the Evening Standard.

R v Willis (November 2015, Hove Crown Court)
Represented Defendant in conspiracy to murder involving a shooting. This case was reported by the BBC.

R v Scott-Wasey (September 2015, Central Criminal Court)
Murder raising defence of diminished responsibility. This case was reported in the Evening Standard.

R v Bruzas (March 2015, Central Criminal Court)
Double murder of husband and wife in their own bedroom after house was broken into. This case was reported in the national press, including by the BBC, The Telegraph and the Mirror.

R v X (July 2013, Woolwich Crown Court)
Represented foster carer acquitted of abusing children in her care.

R v Marius (February 2013- June 2013, Central Criminal Court)
Represented defendant acquitted of murder. This case was reported by the BBC.

R v Kearns (May 2013- June 2013, Plymouth Crown Court)
Represented defendant convicted of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. This case was reported by the BBC.

R v Mahmood (April 2013, Central Criminal Court)
Represented defendant who pleaded guilty to preparing for an act of terrorism. This case was reported by the BBC.

R v D (December 2012, Reading Crown Court)
Represented mother acquitted of causing life-changing injuries to her six-month-old child.

R v X (October 2012, Woolwich Crown Court)
Represented defendant acquitted of allegation of historic child rape.

R v Laing (2012 Birmingham Crown Court)
Represented defendant accused of planning and participating in attempt to lure and attack police officers during the 2011 Birmingham riots during which shots were fired at a police helicopter. This case was reported by the BBC.

Further significant cases include:

R v Gaskell (2011)
Represented acquitted defendant accused of conspiracy to rig tender for supply of over £1 million of copper cable to Thameslink project.

R v Malik (2011)
Represented defendant accused of soliciting to murder by encouraging undercover police officer to fight coalition forces in Afghanistan. This case was reported by the BBC.

R v Lee (2011)
Represented defendant, as leading junior, accused of being part of gangland "hit squad" attempting to murder member of rival gang.

R v Arafat Waheed Khan (2010)
Represented defendant convicted of involvement in plot to blow up transatlantic airliners. This case was reported by the BBC.

Contact Peter

Criminal Appeals


Peter specialises in appeals against conviction/sentence and applications to both the Criminal Cases Review Commission. He has advised in around a dozen successful applications to the CCRC and conducted a number of high-profile criminal appeals including the cases of Sam Hallam, Victor Nealon, Wang Yam and Deborah Winzar. As a junior, Peter appeared in many well-publicised successful appeals including Lorraine Harris, Suzanne Holdsworth and Ian Gay. He continues to advise on a number of well-publicised alleged miscarriages of justice and regularly assists with applications to the CCRC.

Notable Cases

Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.

R v Layden (October 2023)
Represented successful appellant in appeal for murder conviction based on prosecution’s failure to have him arraigned after a Court of Appeal ordered re-trial. The case is reported at (2023) EWCA Crim 1207.

R v Lalchan (April 2022)
Represented appellant in specially convened 5-judge court dealing with the effect of the prosecution failing to obtain the consent of the Attorney-General under s27(1) Public Order Act 1986. The case has been reported at (2022) 2 CR App R 12.

R v Deborah Winzar (November 2020)
Represented appellant in a high-profile appeal against conviction for murdering her paraplegic husband in 2000 by allegedly injecting him with insulin without his knowledge. The case involved detailed consideration of detailed medical evidence including evidence from specialists in spinal cord injury, chemical pathology, and endocrinology and has been reported in the national media and at (2021) 1 Cr App R 16.

R v Wang Yam (July 2017)
Represented appellant in a high-profile appeal against conviction for murder in controversial "secret" trial. This case was reported in Newsnight and the Guardian and is the subject of a book "Blood on the Page: A Murder, a Secret Trial, a Search for the Truth."

R v A (October 2016)
Represented appellant in successful appeal against conviction for sexual offences.

R v Nealon (2014 EWCA Crim 574)
Represented appellant in successful appeal - based on fresh DNA evidence - against his conviction for attempted rape. This case was covered by the BBC, Guardian and The Independent.

R v Laing (2014) 2 Cr App R 27
Appeal against convictions arising out of the Birmingham riots based on the prosecution use of videos to establish gang membership.

R v Thompson (2013 EWCA Crim 1746)
Represented appellant in against conviction for murder, based on trial judge's failure to leave the partial defence of provocation.

R v Malik (2013) EWCA Crim 1649)
Represented appellant in appeal against conviction for soliciting to murder, based on interplay between conduct of co-accused's case and propriety of resulting summing-up.

R v Hallam (2012)
Represented appellant in his successful appeal against conviction for murder, following a CCRC referral. This case was covered by the BBC.

R v Traynor (2012)
Represented appellant in his appeal against conviction for murdering his wife, following a CCRC referral.

Further significant cases include:

R v Cort (2011) EWCA Crim 1597
Represented solicitor in his appeal against his conviction for murdering his professional partner.

R v Lane (2011) 2011 EWCA Crim 2745)
Represented appellants, following referral by CCRC, in their appeal against conviction for blackmail.

R v Bailey (2011) EWCA Crim 1124
Represented appellant in appeal against minimum term imposed in relation to his conviction for murder.

R v Mackinnon (2011)
Represented appellant in appeal against sentence of imprisonment for public protection (IPP).

R v Arafat Khan (2011) EWCA Crim 1260
Represented appellant in appeal against conviction for murder arising out of "airlines" case.

R v Francis No 2 (2011) EWCA Crim 375
Represented appellant in appeal (following CCRC referral) against convictions for drug offences.

R v M (2010)
Represented appellant in successful appeal against conviction for rape. Appeal based on fresh evidence resulting from application to the CCRC.

Contact Peter

Inquests and Inquiries


Peter represented seven families at the Hillsborough Inquests. Following the inquest's successful conclusion, he has been instructed to advise in a number of ongoing inquests and civil actions against the police. He has been instructed of statutory and public inquiries including the 1994 inquiry into the Guildford and Woolwich pub bombings and the ongoing UK Covid-19 public inquiry.

Notable Cases

Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.

Covid-19 Inquiry (2023 and ongoing)

Representing Richard Davies (2016)
Represented parents of man shot by the police after armed stand-off.

Hillsborough (2013 - 2016)
Peter represented seven families during the Hillsborough Inquests, in which the 96 people who died were found to have been unlawfully killed. His questioning at the inquest received widespread publicity. He led the families' questioning extensively on the topics of stadium safety, police failings in controlling the build-up of supporters and police attempts to cover-up the disaster.

This included questioning many of the senior officers involved in the disaster, including some of the match commanders (BBC 2 October 2014), officers involved in the immediate police PR response to the disaster (Daily Mirror 20 April 2015), Sir Norman Bettison, former Chief Constable of Merseyside police (BBC 5 May 2015), junior police officers (Guardian 18 September 2014, ITV 22 September 2014) and stadium engineers (BBC 4 June 2014).

Wells (2010)
Coroner's inquest into death of patient detained under Mental Health Acts who was able to hang himself despite nominally being on five-minute observations. The jury returned a narrative verdict critical of the detaining authority.

Mola (2009)
Coroner's inquest into the death of a 23-year-old prisoner, who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia in his teens, who died of smoke inhalation after setting fire to cardboard furniture in his cell. The jury verdict was critical of decision by prison staff to allow him access to lighting materials given his previous history of starting fires both during previous prison sentences and outside. The inquest also covered prison service policy in relation to use of cardboard furniture and inaction in relation to implementation of cell rescue equipment.

Fearon (2006)
Coroner's inquest into shootings at Turnmills nightclub in April 2003 raising issues of police response to information they had received in advance of the shootings. Jury found that that information was not "communicated effectively between the relevant parties", and that better communication might "have led to a more proactive action plan". This case was reported in the Guardian.

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Financial Crime and Confiscation


Since taking silk in 2012 Peter has appeared in several large-scale fraud trials.

He is presently instructed in proceedings which have been ongoing since February 2018. As a junior, he also appeared in a number of high-value fraud trials.

Notable Cases

R v Gaskell (2011)
Represented acquitted defendant accused of conspiracy to rig tender for supply of over £1 million of copper cable to Thameslink project.

R v H (1) (January - February 2017 Snaresbrook Crown Court)
Represented Defendant acquitted of large-scale immigration fraud

R v H (2) (March to May 2017, Snaresbrook Crown Court)
Represented defendant acquitted of large-scale immigration fraud.

Contact Peter

Notable Cases & News

UK Covid-19 Inquiry publishes first report following Module 1

Members of the Garden Court Chambers Inquests & Inquiries Team are instructed in the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, and represented Core Participants in Module 1.

19 July 2024

Garden Court Chambers revises policy on Stratford Magistrates' Court

23 May 2024

Garden Court Chambers statement on security searches at Stratford Magistrates' Court

8 May 2024

Peter Wilcock KC makes opening submission at UK Covid-19 Inquiry (Module 2C) Northern Ireland

Peter Wilcock KC, of the Garden Court Inquests & Inquiries team, represents Northern Ireland Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice, instructed by Conal McGarrity of P.A. Duffy & Co Solicitors.

1 May 2024

Garden Court counsel question Professor Dame Jenny Harries and Sajid Javid at UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Our Peter Wilcock KC, Leslie Thomas KC, Marina Sergides & Kirsten Heaven questioned Professor Dame Jenny Harries and Sajid Javid MP at UK Covid-19 Inquiry Module 2.

29 November 2023

Rajiv Menon KC, Peter Wilcock KC and Kirsten Heaven question Michael Gove at UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Our Rajiv Menon KC, Peter Wilcock KC and Kirsten Heaven questioned Michael Gove MP at UK Covid-19 Inquiry Module 2.

28 November 2023

Peter Wilcock KC, Leslie Thomas KC, and Kirsten Heaven question Professor Sir Chris Witty at UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Peter Wilcock KC, Leslie Thomas KC, and Kirsten Heaven question Professor Sir Chris Witty at UK Covid-19 Inquiry

22 November 2023

Court of Appeal quashes conviction for murder

Peter Wilcock KC and Catherine Oborne of the Garden Court Criminal Defence Team represented the appellant, Stuart Layden.

27 October 2023

UK Covid-19 Inquiry Module 2 Continues - Opening statement on behalf of Core Participants

Several Garden Court Barristers are representing core participants at the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

4 October 2023

UK Covid-19 Inquiry Module 2 - Opening statement on behalf of Core Participants

Several Garden Court Barristers are representing core participants at the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

3 October 2023

UK Covid-19 Inquiry Module 4 preliminary hearings open

Today marks the start of public preliminary hearings for the UK Covid-19 Inquiry Module 4: Vaccines and therapeutics.

13 September 2023

Garden Court Chambers and Garden Court North remember Ian Macdonald QC

Garden Court Chambers and Garden Court North were honoured to host a memorial event for Ian Macdonald QC 1939-2019 at Middle Temple Hall on Tuesday 7 February 2023.

17 February 2023

Defendant not guilty of gang related killing of teenager

Peter Wilcock KC and Michael Goold of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team represented the defendant instructed by Lindsey Blizzard of Needham Poulier Solicitors.

2 December 2022

Garden Court secures top tier rankings in the Legal 500 2023

Garden Court Chambers is proud to be recognised as a Top Tier set again in the Legal 500.

30 September 2022

Members of the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team support escalating proposed CBA action to include days of action

17 June 2022

Stephanie Harrison QC, Chair and Joint Head of Garden Court Chambers, comments on the Nationality and Borders Bill receiving Royal Assent

29 April 2022

Garden Court Crime Team statement on no returns action

30 March 2022

Garden Court secures number one rankings in Chambers UK Bar Guide 2022

21 October 2021

Garden Court Chambers Crime Team shortlisted for Crime Set of the Year by Chambers Bar Awards 2021

We are delighted to announce that the Garden Court Chambers Crime Team has been shortlisted by the Chambers Bar Awards 2021 for Crime Set of the Year.

27 August 2021

Peter Wilcock QC and Emma Fenn of Garden Court secure acquittal in murder case

Peter Wilcock QC and Emma Fenn of Garden Court Chambers have secured the acquittal of a man who was accused of murdering a leading member of a county lines drug gang.

13 December 2019

Hillsborough match commander David Duckenfield to go on trial for manslaughter by gross negligence

The trial of Mr Duckenfield is currently listed to start on 10 September.

29 June 2018

Hillsborough Review backs ‘Hillsborough Law’

Seventeen barristers from Garden Court Chambers were involved in the Hillsborough inquests, representing 80 families of those who died.

1 November 2017

Peter Wilcock QC and David Emanuel secure acquittal in murder case where victim died 9 years after he was stabbed

The defendant was represented by Peter Wilcock QC and David Emanuel of Garden Court Chambers.

7 August 2017

Hillsborough disaster: criminal charges against six people

Seventeen barristers from Garden Court Chambers represented 80 families at the Hillsborough inquest.

29 June 2017

R v BH & Others: Acquittal of Conspiracy to Breach Immigration Law

Peter Wilcock QC and Minka Braun of Garden Court Chambers represented BH.

22 March 2017

Garden Court and Stephanie Harrison QC shortlisted for Human Rights and Public Law awards

Garden Court has been shortlisted at the Chambers Bar Awards, whilst Stephanie and our Public Law Team are shortlisted at the Legal 500 Awards.

21 October 2016

Garden Court Chambers recognised for “outstanding achievement” following Hillsborough inquests

Garden Court Chambers Hillsborough inquest team wins Outstanding Achievement Award at Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year Awards 2016.

8 July 2016

Two brothers acquitted of murder and manslaughter

The men were represented by Peter Wilcock QC and Bernard Tetlow QC of Garden Court Chambers.

1 July 2016

Hillsborough inquest concludes 96 fans were unlawfully killed

Garden Court Chambers represented 77 families at the inquests.

26 April 2016

Chambers UK Bar Guide ranks Garden Court in Band 1

Garden Court Chambers recognised as a leading set for immigration, social housing, civil liberties, police law, Court of Protection, crime and inquests and public inquiries.

30 October 2015

Garden Court wins Legal 500 crime set of the year award

The winners in these awards are chosen by the Legal 500 as a result of thousands of interviews with firms, sets and counsel.

8 October 2015

Victor Nealon freed after serving 17 years in prison

A man who has served 17 years of a life sentence for attempted rape has had his conviction quashed at the Court of Appeal. Peter Wilcock QC demonstrated that the conviction was unsafe after fresh DNA evidence came to light.

16 December 2013

Garden Court Chambers ranked Band 1 in Chambers UK 2014

We are once again delighted to have been ranked as a leading set by Chambers and Partners in the Chambers UK 2014 directory.

31 October 2013

18 Garden Court barristers instructed on Hillsborough Inquest

Garden Court Chambers are pleased to announce that 18 Garden Court barristers have been instructed on the Hillsborough inquest.

18 October 2013

All related news


Peter has also been called to the Bar in Northern Ireland. He studied Law at the LSE where, following the completion of his degree, he was the general secretary of the Student Union before joining Tooks Chambers where he practised for 24 years before joining Garden Court in 2013.

Since 2003, Peter has been a part-time tribunal judge on the Mental Health Review Tribunal. He was appointed as an appraiser for Tribunals Service (Mental Health) in October 2009 and is on the Advisory Group of the Centre for Criminal Appeals.

Peter has provided Legal Advice in relation to Courtroom scenes for the BBC series Silent Witness and Rillington Place.


Member of 2010 Law Commission working party on Unfitness to plead - consultation paper No 197.

'A timely reminder 158', New Law Journal 466 2008

'Fresh Evidence in Criminal Appeals - Pendleton revisited', Archbold News, December 2006

Article on the defence of provocation, Solicitors Journal, May 2006

Criminal Justice Act 2003, New Law Journal, 2004

'Fresh Evidence in the Court of Appeal; Pendleton - a Case Note', New Law Journal, 2002

'Fitness to Plead Procedure: An adequate Protection?, New Law Journal' 439

Crime & Disorder Act, LAG January, 1999


  • LLB (LSE)

Professional Membership

  • Criminal Bar Association (CBA)
  • Society of Labour Lawyers
  • Criminal Appeal Lawyers Association (CALA)
  • Inquest

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