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News & Views

Garden Court Chambers | Tuesday 16 July 2024

Court of Appeal finds refusal to grant pre-settled status under EUSS a breach of rights under Withdrawal Agreement

Irena Sabic KC and Eva Doerr of Garden Court Chambers acted for the Respondent, Mr Vasa. Bojana Asanovic and David Sellwood of Garden Court Chambers acted for The AIRE Centre who intervened in the proceedings.

Eva Doerr David Sellwood Bojana Asanovic Irena Sabic KC

Garden Court Chambers | Monday 17 June 2024

Garden Court barristers recognised on Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales

We are delighted to announce that Garden Court barristers have been listed on the Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales.

Environmental Law and Climate Justice | Friday 7 June 2024

Garden Court barristers contribute to Legal Action Magazine's Environmental Law Update (Jul/Aug 2024)

Our Marc Willers KC, Irena Sabic KC, Paul Clark and Ella Gunn of the Garden Court Environmental Law and Climate Justice Team have written for Legal Action Magazine.

Ella Gunn Paul Clark Irena Sabic KC Marc Willers KC

International Human Rights, Garden Court International, Environmental Law and Climate Justice | Tuesday 21 May 2024

Irena Sabic KC and Thalia Maragh conduct legal empowerment training for Ogiek community in Kenya

Our Irena Sabic KC and Thalia Maragh volunteered with International Lawyers Project (ILP) to deliver training for the Ogiek community in Kenya.

Thalia Maragh Irena Sabic KC

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Law | Wednesday 3 April 2024

Upper Tribunal allows judicial review of Afghan judges seeking leave to enter UK

Sonali Naik KC and Emma Fitzsimons were instructed by Rachael Lenney of Wilsons LLP on behalf of S. Irena Sabic KC and David Sellwood were instructed by Zoe Cooley of Wilsons LLP on behalf of AZ.

David Sellwood Emma Fitzsimons Irena Sabic KC Sonali Naik KC

Environmental Law and Climate Justice, Climate Change and Fossil Fuel Production, International Environmental Law | Thursday 28 March 2024

European Court of Human Rights Grand Chamber to Deliver Rulings in Landmark Climate Justice Cases

Marc Willers KC and Richard Harvey represent the Swiss Senior Women in Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland. Richard Reynolds and Paul Clark represent the youth-applicants in Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Others.

Environmental Law and Climate Justice, International Environmental Law, International Human Rights | Tuesday 26 September 2023

Climate Case to be heard at European Court of Human Rights against 32 European States brought by 6 Portuguese youth

Richard Reynolds and Paul Clark are representing the youth-applicants, led by Alison Macdonald KC of Essex Court Chambers. Counsel are instructed by Global Legal Action Network.

Ella Gunn Irena Sabic KC Paul Clark Richard Reynolds

Community Care Law, Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Law | Thursday 27 July 2023

High Court rules Local Authorities obliged to consider support requests by appeal rights exhausted care leavers

Irena Sabic KC and Alex Grigg of Garden Court Chambers represented the Claimant, anonymised as DK, instructed by Radhi Shah of Youth Legal.

Alex Grigg Irena Sabic KC

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