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News & Views

Immigration Detention Civil Claims, Claims Against the Police and Public Authorities, Civil Liberties and Human Rights | Tuesday 16 July 2024

Alex Schymyck assists in securing release of vulnerable individual from immigration detention

Alex Schymyck of Garden Court Chambers represented the client, instructed by Tom Leahy and Gemma Lynch of Duncan Lewis Solicitors.

Alex Schymyck

Immigration Law, Administrative and Public Law | Monday 24 June 2024

Immigration Blog: Garden Court barristers secure clean sweep of Rwanda removals bail victories

Blog post by Georgie Rea of the Garden Court Immigration Law Team.

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Law | Monday 3 June 2024

High Court determines that Windrush victims are not entitled to Legal Aid

Grace Brown, Joint Head of Garden Court Chambers, and Alex Schymyck, also of Garden Court, represent Joyce Oji, instructed by Southwark Law Centre (SLC). King’s Legal Clinic & the Windrush Justice Clinic are supporting SLC in this case.

Alex Schymyck Grace Brown

Immigration Detention Civil Claims, Administrative and Public Law | Tuesday 16 April 2024

High Court orders release from immigration detention to Schedule 10 accommodation

Alex Schymyck of Garden Court Chambers represented the claimant, instructed by Lewis Kett and Dominic Chambers of Duncan Lewis Solicitors.

Alex Schymyck

Immigration Law, Administrative and Public Law | Wednesday 14 February 2024

High Court challenge to Legal Aid Agency’s decision to refuse public funding to Windrush victim in compensation claim while new report finds 'structural weaknesses' in Windrush Compensation Scheme

Grace Brown, Joint Head of Garden Court Chambers, is acting in an upcoming High Court challenge to grant legal aid to a claimant under the Windrush Compensation Scheme (WCS) and is among the contributors to KCL's research report.

Alex Schymyck Grace Brown

Immigration Detention Civil Claims, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Tuesday 6 February 2024

Home Secretary admits Article 3 ECHR breach and concedes unlawful detention claim for £105,000

The Claimant was represented by Alex Schymyck of Garden Court Chambers, led by Nick Armstrong KC of Matrix Chambers and instructed by Lewis Kett and Dominic Chambers of Duncan Lewis Solicitors.

Alex Schymyck

Mental Health Law, Court of Protection | Wednesday 20 December 2023

Garden Court counsel successfully oppose Hospital Trust claim that orders permitting compulsory treatment can be implemented and extended by remote examinations

Garden Court’s Stephen Simblet KC and Ollie Persey acted for PQR, instructed by Deborah Robinson through Cartwright King Solicitors, with Garden Court’s Roger Pezzani and Alex Schymyck instructed by Rheian Davies on behalf of Mind.

Alex Schymyck Ollie Persey Roger Pezzani Stephen Simblet KC

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Detention, Asylum and Deportation | Thursday 30 November 2023

Home Secretary admits to Article 3 ECHR breach and Equality Act breach during Harmondsworth IRC evacuation

Alex Schymyck, of the Garden Court Chambers Public Law Team, instructed by Lewis Kett, Nicholas Hughes and Dominic Chambers of Duncan Lewis Solicitors for the Claimants.

Alex Schymyck

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