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Housing Law | Tuesday 11 June 2024

Bethan Harris, Desmond Rutledge and Kevin Gannon contribute to Legal Action HB and UC housing costs update (Jul/Aug 24)

Our Bethan Harris, Desmond Rutledge and Kevin Gannon of the Garden Court Housing Law Team have written for Legal Action Magazine.

Kevin Gannon Desmond Rutledge Bethan Harris

Administrative and Public Law, Immigration Law, Housing Law | Wednesday 22 May 2024

County Court finds pre-settled status holders eligible for homelessness assistance under Housing Act 1996 on basis of right to equal treatment

The successful Appellant was represented by Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge of Garden Court Chambers, instructed by Shelter.

Desmond Rutledge Adrian Berry

Welfare Benefits Law, Administrative and Public Law | Thursday 25 April 2024

Legal team acting in landmark Court of Appeal tax credit case win Citizens Advice award

Desmond Rutledge and Ollie Persey of Garden Court Chambers represented the Respondent, Mr Arrbab in the Court of Appeal.

Ollie Persey Desmond Rutledge

Welfare Benefits Law, Administrative and Public Law | Friday 19 January 2024

Garden Court represent tax credit claimant in a landmark Court of Appeal decision on access to justice

Desmond Rutledge and Ollie Persey of Garden Court Chambers acted for the respondent, instructed by Joe Power of Kirklees Citizens Advice & Law Centre and led by Jamie Burton KC of Doughty Street Chambers.

Ollie Persey Desmond Rutledge

Administrative and Public Law, Welfare Benefits Law | Friday 21 April 2023

Court of Appeal allows child’s disability living allowance appeal holding UK was competent state under EU co-ordination rules for social security

The Appellant was represented by Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge of Garden Court Chambers, instructed by William Ford of Osbornes Law Solicitors.

Desmond Rutledge Adrian Berry

Civil Liberties and Human Rights, Community Care Law | Wednesday 1 February 2023

Upper Tribunal rules policy of excluding cohabitees without relevant children from bereavement benefit is not incompatible with their human rights

Desmond Rutledge Stephen Cottle

Administrative and Public Law, Welfare Benefits Law | Tuesday 17 January 2023

Court of Appeal rules the policy of paying a COVID uplift to Universal Credit claimants but not to those claimants on Legacy Benefits is lawful

Claimants were represented by Jamie Burton KC of Doughty Street Chambers who led Desmond Rutledge of Garden Court Chambers, instructed by William Ford of Osbornes Law Solicitors.

Desmond Rutledge

Welfare Benefits Law | Friday 18 February 2022

High Court rules it was lawful to restrict £20-a-week covid uplift for Universal Credit claimants with no backdating for legacy benefits claimants

Desmond Rutledge, of the Garden Court Chambers Welfare Benefits Law Team, represented the Claimants, led by Jamie Burton QC of Doughty Street Chambers and instructed by William Ford of Osbornes Law.

Desmond Rutledge

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