Issue 162 - 17th November 2009

Tuesday 17 November 2009

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As a prelude to the General Election debate, Gordon Brown made a speech last week outlining plans to tighten the UK's immigration rules, by reducing the number of professions which can recruit from outside Europe and limiting the numbers coming in to Britain on student visas. Read more.

Whilst the Migration Advisory Committee has published its proposals for a revised shortage occupation list. The MAC recommended a revised list of healthcare and engineering professionals and the continued inclusion of chefs, ballet dancers, work riders, veterinary surgeons and secondary teachers in maths and science, and sheep shearers. It also recommended the addition of special needs teachers and skilled meat boners and trimmers and the removal of ship and hovercraft officers. Read more.

Refugee groups from across the EU have filed a complaint with the European Commission concerning the failures of the Greek asylum system, claiming that it contravenes Union legislation on the treatment of asylum seekers. Read more.


The Court of Appeal in MM (Iran) v Secretary of State for Home Department [2009] EWCA Civ 1167 in upholding an appeal from the AIT, reiterated its own reluctance to act as a fact finding tribunal. Read more.

In Alemu, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2009] EWHC 2584, it was considered that a fresh application for asylum did not amount to a fresh claim based on new expert evidence as the writer of the report did not appear to sufficiently qualified to give the opinion she gave. Read more.

There is new country guidance for Afghanistan in NM (Christian Converts) Afghanistan CG [2009] UKAIT 00045, which replaces AR (Christians - risk in Kabul) Afghanistan [2005] UKAIT 00035. An Afghan who can demonstrate that he has genuinely converted to Christianity from Islam, is likely to be able to show that he is at real risk of serious ill-treatment amounting to persecution. Read more.


On 21 November ILPA will host their annual conference in central London.

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