International Women's Day 2020: Is artificial intelligence good for women?

Thursday 5 March 2020, 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Garden Court Chambers

Louise Hooper

Hera Hussain

Adah Parris

Alfredo Kalaitzis

Jenny Brennan

To celebrate International Women's Day 2020, Garden Court will be hosting a series of events.

On 5 March 2020 our panel of invited guests will debate how artificial intelligence and tech can be good for women and also ways it is used to entrench gender discrimination. We will take an intersectional, multi-disciplinary approach to inclusion, diversity and equality looking at technology through the lens of culture, justice, regulation and rights.

Date: Thursday 5 March 2020
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm, followed by drinks reception
Venue: Garden Court Chambers  
Cost: Free

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International Women's Day 2020 campaign theme is #EachForEqual, promoting the message that "collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal world". 


Hera Hussain, Open Contracting Initiative/CHAYN
Open Contracting, founder of CHAYN and One of Forbes and MIT's Under 30, Hera works on ways to incorporate intersectional analysis and openness in public policy and activism. CHAYN is a gender and tech project tackling gender-based violence. Hera’s latest project ‘yana’ is an open-source gender and tech project enabling survivors of sexual violence to get helpful advice and understand the justice system.

Adah Parris
Adah Parris is a futurist, cultural innovator, board advisor and keynote speaker.  Through ‘cyborg shaman’ Adah seeks to merge ancient wisdom with new thinking to solve problems for current and future humans and ensure that technology remains human centred.

Alfredo Kalaitzis
Through Element AI, Alfredo worked alongside Amnesty International on ‘Troll Patrol', an investigation into Twitter analysing the scale and nature of abuse and violence against women online. The findings are available here.

Jenny Brennan, Ada Lovelance Institute
Jenny is a Researcher at the Ada Lovelace Institute, seeking to understand how to make data and AI work for people and society. With a multidisciplinary background in social science and software, Jenny has worked in data engineering at Twitter and Entrepreneur First, as well as consulting with a number of early stage start-ups on projects ranging from developing AI personal assistants, to combatting bias in hiring processes, to teaching over 200 kids to code.

Louise Hooper
The debate will be moderated by Louise Hooper of Garden Court Chambers, a human rights barrister expert in international gender law and policy who became interested in the potential impact of tech for both good and bad after learning to code.


“Big Data processes codify the past. They do not invent the future. Doing that requires moral imagination, and that’s something only humans can provide.”  - Cathy O'Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy

“The presumption that what is male is universal is a direct consequence of the gender data gap. Whiteness and maleness can only go without saying because most other identities never get said at all…women are set up to be forgettable. Ignorable. Dispensable - from culture, from history, and from data. And so, women become invisible.”― Caroline Criado Perez, Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men

“Marginalized groups face higher levels of data collections when they access public benefits, walk through highly policed neighborhoods, enter the health-care system, or cross national borders. That data acts to reinforce their marginality when it is used to target them for suspicion and extra scrutiny. Those groups seen as undeserving are singled out for punitive public policy and more intense surveillance, and the cycle begins again. It is a kind of collective red-flagging, a feedback loop of injustice.” ― Virginia Eubanks, Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor

Photography Exhibition

Check out our photography exhibition run by shado, exclusive for our IWD event attendees, that will be available to view during our IWD events. 

shado, a collective and online & print publication championing creative culture-led system change, are exhibiting a series of photographs taken by female photographers from around the world during our IWD events. The founders of shado, Issy Pearce and Hannah Robathan, will be introducing the exhibition before the event. 

Photographer: Sali Mudawi

shado amplifies the voices of those at the frontline of political, social and cultural change. shado was born out of a frustration with the current lack of space for voices across different fields to co-exist. shado aims to bring a diverse network of people together to inspire change. At every site of conflict, culture and creativity prevails, and by capturing the pulse of these creative communities, shado is creating space for alternative narratives to blossom. shado stands for See. Hear. Act. Do. As well as producing an online and print magazine they run a series of collaborative events and projects to bring to life the campaigns explored in the magazine. By capturing the pulse of creative communities across the globe, shado celebrates and inspires the ways in which we can all see, hear, act and do.

Garden Court Chambers is very pleased to be partnering with such a creative organisation and look forward to welcoming shado’s exhibition during our IWD events. 


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