Adrian Berry

Year of Call: 1998

“A repository of all knowledge. He's very thorough and very well versed on domestic and EU immigration law."

Chambers UK, 2024 (Immigration, Band 1)

"He is a superstar on nationality and EEA law. He has unrivalled knowledge, and is very generous with his time."

Chambers UK, 2023

"Very intelligent and so knowledgeable. He gives clients reassurance that he is the brightest guy in the room."

Chambers UK, 2022 (Immigration, Band 1)

"He is without doubt one of the brightest barristers in the field. His knowledge of EU law and nationality law is unsurpassed."

Legal 500, 2022 (Immigration, Tier 1)

"He is an intellectual powerhouse. One of the top barristers in the business immigration field. Very pragmatic and very client-friendly."

Chambers UK, 2021 (Immigration, Band 1)

"He is without doubt one of the brightest barristers in the field. His knowledge of EU law and nationality law is unsurpassed."

Legal 500, 2021 (immigration, Tier 1)


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Adrian’s practice spans a range of inter-related public law areas concerning citizenship, immigration, human rights, international protection, and social assistance.

He acts and advises across the field of public law, providing advice and advocacy. He accepts instructions via a solicitor or other licenced professional client. In addition, he acts for clients directly under the Bar Public Access scheme.

Adrian practises in Courts and Tribunals at all levels from the First-tier Tribunal and County Court, through to the Senior Courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) A list of some of his notable cases is set out below. He is available at short notice for urgent work and where injunctions and other interim relief may be required

He writes a blog on migration, citizenship, and free movement called Cosmopolis. He also has a blog on Nationality and Citizenship law.

Adrian acts for individuals, communities, and NGOs and international organisations. He also acts as a consultant to NGOs and international organisations, to assist with strategic litigation, analyses and reports of immigration and nationality law and practice, and actions plans for reform.

He is widely known, not just for his casework, but also for his policy work and contribution to debates on immigration and nationality law.


Adrian has an extensive practice in British nationality law, both (1) in historic Commonwealth-based claims and (2) in contemporary issues concerning the automatic acquisition of citizenship, naturalisation and registration, as well as deprivation and loss of British nationality. He advises on claims to be a British citizen, British Overseas citizen (BOC), British overseas territories citizen (BOTC), British National (Overseas) (BN(O)), British protected person (BPP) or British subject. He writes a blog on Nationality and Citizenship Law concerning all these issues.

He has particular expertise in running High Court trials on whether a person is already a British national (where witness evidence is called), see for example R(Nooh) v Secretary of State,  as well as the more usual judicial reviews of refused applications for naturalisation or registrations.

He regularly advises on the conflict of nationality laws for people with multiple nationalities, who hold or seek to hold both British nationality and other foreign nationalities, where the other countries are intolerant of multiple nationalities. In these cases he acts in partnership with foreign lawyers to resolve the conflict of laws between nationality law codes, as well as issues concerning domicile and tax. He also advises on the use of passports as markers of nationality.

As regards Statelessness issues, he acts and advises in relation to Statelessness cases, including in relation to the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. He works on cases concerning Stateless Persons in detention, the regularization of Stateless Persons, and the welfare of Stateless Persons. He is a member of the Advisory Council of the European Network on Statelessness (ENS).

He has contributed to all chapters and parts of Fransman’s British Nationality Law (3rd edition 2011), contributed the nationality law chapters to the JCWI Handbook 2006, contributed to Jackson and Warr’s Immigration Law and Practice (2008) on the Right of Abode, contributed the nationality law chapters to the Blackstone’s Guide to the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 (OUP 2010), advised JCWI on government nationality proposals, and contributed to ILPA responses to government consultation papers and advised peers in the House of Lords for ILPA.

He has written on the relationship between British nationality and EU citizenship in Deprivation of Nationality and Citizenship – The Role of EU Law, Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law, Volume 28 Number 4 2015 pp. 355-366. In addition, he has provided advice in Chagos Islanders v UK (ECtHR) on the position of the Chagos Islanders in British nationality law.

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Adrian acts for individuals, commercial undertakings, and institutions in relation to matters arising for economic migrants under the Points-Based System (Tiers 1, 2 and 5) and other Immigration Rules routes. Among other things, he provides advice to individuals, sponsors, and banks and financial entities, in relation to the Tier 1 (Investor) route, Tier 2 work permits and Tier 2 Intra-Company Transfers (ICTs), and to individual and sponsors under other routes.

He regularly advises on issues that arise for migrants and for employers in relation to unlawful employment and Civil Penalties (including County Court appeals), including in scenarios where the employer holds a sponsor licence. He also works with employment lawyers to advise on the cross-over between immigration sponsorship, breaches of immigration law, employment rights law, and dismissal law. He writes on economic migration issues. In addition, he provides strategic advice to professional associations, commercial entities and community interest groups on the use of the economic migration routes and the opportunities for lobbying the UK Home Office on areas of concern.

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Adrian has an extensive practice in relation to Brexit-related matters, EU Citizenship and the free movement of persons under EU law. He has appeared in numerous cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) (including Chen, Teixeria, Dias, Alarappe, and Dakneviciute) and in numerous reported cases in domestic UK courts. He has a particular interest in EU law as it applies to EU Citizens and third country nationals in immigration and social welfare cases and in the Co-ordination of Social Security, Healthcare, and Pensions. His Cosmopolis blog contains a wealth of material on Brexit issues and EU law generally.

As regards Brexit, he acts and advises clients and institutions on the scope of the Withdrawal Agreement and implementing legislation as it affects immigration, rights to reside, residence permits, family reunion, social security, pensions, healthcare, and equal treatment. He has written extensively on these issues on his blog.

As regards immigration law, he advises on free movement of persons under Directive 2004/38/EC, deportation, rights of residence derived from other EU law provisions, Posted Workers rights, and the use of the Charter of Fundamental Rights to protect family members of EU migrants.

As regards social welfare cases, he also advises on entitlement to social assistance under EU law, the coordination of social security, pensions, and healthcare, and the right to equal treatment in social policy and education matters. 

As regards EU citizenship, he advises on rights derived from EU citizenship (Zambrano related rights) and associated social welfare rights. 

He has provided advice and assistance on EU law issues to the AIRE Centre, FEANTSA, and ILPA, among others. He has written extensively about the welfare of EU migrants, for Macdonald’s Immigration Law and Practice; Housing Law Handbook; Support for Asylum Seekers and other Migrants (Legal Action Group, 2009); and in journals.

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Adrian advises and acts across the range of family reunion issues that affect his clients, deploying human rights arising under the ECHR, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Common Law, and other human rights catalogues, as appropriate. In immigration proceedings he acts for clients with family reunion issues and those who seek to rely on the European Convention on Human Rights. He has a particular interest in the intersection between immigration proceedings and family proceedings, and the procedural protection afforded by Article 8 ECHR.

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Adrian acts in High Court proceedings for people who are unlawfully detained under immigration powers and in connected claims for damages for false imprisonment. He accepts urgent instructions where a person is detained and their removal or deportation is immanent. He has experience of acting for clients where the length of detention is challenged and/or the conditions of detention, in relation to adults at risk, where EU Citizens are detained, where Statesless Persons are detained, and where asylum seekers are detained for the purposes of removal under the Dublin III procedure to EU States.

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Adrian acts for a small number of clients with complex and sensitive asylum and international protection claims. Many of his clients have extensive political and economic interests in the country from which they have fled, have a high profile and are also liable to extradition. He works in partnership with extradition lawyers, immigration solicitors, country experts and commercial advisors to provide a comprehensive service.

He provides advice and representation in matters arising under the 1951 Refugee Convention, the Refugee Qualification Directive (2004/83/EC) and the European Convention on Human Rights. He also acts for a small number of clients with general asylum claims, including clients with multiple nationalities, statelessness issues, difficult issues in relation to a nexus to a Refugee Convention reason, and those subject to removal under the Dublin Regulation. He writes on Refugee law issues.

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Adrian provides strategic advice on settlement and citizenship options for persons looking to secure settlement, permanent residence and citizenship in the UK and elsewhere. He works in partnership with lawyers in other jurisdictions and with tax and financial advisors to ensure that clients are able to undertake the strategic planning necessary to optimise their position.

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As regards students and matters arising under Tier 4, Adrian advises and acts for individuals migrating to the UK. He also for schools, and colleges in relation to sponsor licences (issue, suspension and revocation matters). In addition, he provides strategic advice to professional associations, commercial entities and community interest groups on the use of the student migration routes and the opportunities for lobbying the UK Home Office on areas of concern.

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Adrian acts and advises clients with issues arising under general immigration law. In addition to the work described above, he advises and acts for clients seeking to enter and remain in the UK under the Immigration Rules and on the options outside of the Immigration Rules. He also acts for clients who are unlawfully detained, those facing deportation as ‘foreign criminals’ or facing removal proceedings, and those whose cases require a detailed knowledge of the structure of immigration control under the Immigration Act 1971.

He has also advised and represented OISC advisors in disciplinary matters before the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration Services). 

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Adrian regularly acts and advises in all areas of homelessness and allocations law concerning matters that are amenable to judicial review and in statutory homelessness appeals in the county court. In particular, he specialises in eligibility issues for migrants, appearing in numerous, reported cases. He has also provided HLPA with training and workshops on eligibility issues.

Adrian’s expertise in social housing is in securing accommodation and housing for migrants. He provides a distinct service to solicitors with migrant clients based on being a one-stop shop on account of his fluency in housing, immigration, nationality, EU, ECHR and social security law. Where possible he solves problems in one of these areas by finding solutions in another.

In 2010 he was counsel in the first housing case (one of two linked cases) to reach the Court of Justice of the European Union from a British court, see Teixeira v London Borough of Lambeth [2010] EUECJ C-480/08 . In addition he has a string of reported cases demonstrating his expertise in helping migrants secure: homelessness assistance, asylum support accommodation, accommodation for children leaving care, and housing benefit. 

Adrian has developed a deep interest in migrant welfare, housing and support matters under different statutory regimes. His clients often have issues that touch on the Housing Act 1996, Community Care provisions, the Children Act 1989, and asylum support matters. He has particular expertise in asylum support, has a detailed knowledge of the asylum support system and has written extensively on support for asylum seekers.

He has a particular specialism in EU law as it applies to EU citizens and third country nationals in social housing, welfare and immigration cases, appearing in numerous reported cases. 

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Adrian acts and advises clients in the First-tier and Upper Tribunal in social security, healthcare and pensions cases, including but not limited to cases that touch on immigration issues, EU law issues, pensions and points of statutory construction.

He has also acted in such cases, many reported, before the Administrative Court, the Court of Appeal and by way of reference before the Court of Justice of the European Union. He has a particular expertise in the coordination of social security for migrants under EU Regulation 883/2004 and under the Withdrawal Agreement.

In community care matters, he acts and advises clients, and migrants, in particular, on access to community care services, and on lawful decision making in the assessment and provision of care to people in need of services. 

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Past notable cases can be viewed below. Click here to see a list of recent notable cases.

Notable cases include:

AH v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2020] UKUT 53 (AAC) (Upper Tribunal). Under the Co-ordination of Social Security Regulation 883/2004 if someone is engaged in activity as a self-employed person in one State, are members of their family required to claim sickness benefits in that State, even if they are habitually resident in another State?

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v Henrika Dakneviciute Case C-544/08 (Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). Whether an EU Citizen retained self-employed status and a right to reside as such during periods of pregnancy and maternity.

R(Hassan) v Secretary of State [2019] EWHC 1288 (Admin) (High Court). Whether four individuals of Somali heritage who all held British Overseas citizen status were refused full British citizenship with a right of abode, as the secretary of state was entitled to find on the evidence that they did not meet the criteria in the British Nationality Act 1981 s.4B because they all held Somali passports and he was not satisfied that they were not Somali nationals.

AS(Guinea) v Secretary of State [2018] EWCA Civ 2234 (Court of Appeal). Persons alleging that they were Stateless had to prove their case on the balance of probabilities. However, if they were unable, for good reason, to produce documents or apply for nationality in the state with which they were most closely connected, the Secretary of State would make the necessary enquiries. By contrast, in Refugee cases a different and lower standard of proof was appropriate.

R(Nooh) v Secretary of State [2018] EWHC 1572 (Admin) (High Court). Four siblings of Somali heritage were entitled to passports as British overseas citizens on the basis that they had been born in the former Crown Colony of Aden prior to 14 August 1968 and had not acquired South Yemeni nationality on or before that date.

JM(Zimbabwe) v Secretary of State [2018] EWCA Civ 188 (Court of Appeal). The court considered the correct interpretation of the Immigration Rules paragraph 403 on the requirements for leave to remain in the UK as a Stateless Person and highlighted drafting deficiencies within the provision.

R(ML(Morocco) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWHC 2177 (Admin) (High Court). A period of 10 months’ detention under immigration powers while the Secretary of State tried to obtain an emergency travel document for a stateless individual was not unlawful.

Lopes v London Borough of Croydon [2016] EWCA Civ 465 (Court of Appeal). The court determined the correct destination for appeals where there had been an appeal to the county court which had made a determination as to costs and the parties wished to appeal the costs order.

London Borough of Croydon v Y [2016] EWCA Civ 398 (Court of Appeal). A judge should have granted a local authority’s application to strike out or stay an asylum seeker’s challenge to an age assessment unless he consented to further age assessments where such an order was reasonably necessary to enable the local authority to defend the challenge and the asylum seeker’s refusal to give his consent was unreasonable. The principles from Starr v National Coal Board [1977] 1 W.L.R. 63 were not confined to private law litigation.

Secretary of State for Home Department v Ojo [2015] EWCA Civ 1301 (Court of Appeal). The acquisition of a permanent right of residence depended on continuous residence with a qualifying status. Residence and immigration status were not analogous and a period during which the requisite financial dependency had been broken could not be ignored.

R(Bondada) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2015] EWHC 2661 (Admin) (High Court). An applicant who had been born in India to a father who had acquired British citizenship prior to her birth established her entitlement to British citizenship by descent, pursuant to the British Nationality Act 1981 s.11(1), where her mother’s passport from 1978 provided clear evidence of her parentage and her parents’ marriage.

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v SF [2015] UKUT 502 (AAC) (Upper Tribunal). Pregnancy and childbirth were not of themselves enough to take a woman off the employment market and so outside the scope of TFEU art.45; a woman was protected by her worker status until such time, not exceeding the “reasonable period” contemplated by Saint Prix, as she showed an intention not to be part of the employment market.

B(Eritrea) v Secretary of State [2015] EWCA Civ 141 (Court of Appeal). A Refugee was lawfully entitled to benefits from the date his status was established

R(Kondrak) v Secretary of State [2014] EWHC 639 (Admin) (High Court). The detention of a Polish national pending administrative removal was unlawful from the outset

R(Foo Ann Ku) v Secretary of State [2013] EWHC 3881 (Admin) (High Court). At the date of removal of a British Overseas Citizen (BOC) the Secretary of State had reason to believe that the individual would be admitted to Malaysia

Alarappe v Secretary of State C-529/11 (Court of Justice of the European Union). Does exercising a right to reside as the primary carer of the child of a former worker for five years give access to the EU right of permanent residence under Directive 2004/38/EC or otherwise?

Pryce v London Borough of Southwark, Secretary of State for the Home Department intervening [2012] EWCA Civ 1572 (Court of Appeal). Whether an unlawfully present parent of a British citizen/EU citizen child derived a right of residence from the need to enable the child to enjoy the genuine substance of his rights as an EU citizen in the country of his birth; whether EU citizenship after the case of Zambrano could confer a directly effective right of residence on that parent that rendered her eligible for homelessness assistance.

Mohan v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA Civ 1363 (Court of Appeal). The extent of the procedural protection afforded by article 8 ECHR, when immigration expulsion proceedings are afoot but family proceedings concerning contact with a child are not yet complete. 

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Maria Dias [2011] EUECJ C-325/09 (Court of Justice of the European Union). Whether periods of residence completed prior to the transposition of Directive 2004/38/EC contribute to the acquisition of the right of permanent residence. Whether periods of residence completed in reliance on a Residence Permit contribute to the acquisition of a right of permanent residence.

Teixeira (European citizenship) [2010] EUECJ C-480/08 Teixeira v London Borough of Lambeth and another C-480/08 (Court of Justice of the European Union). Whether an EEA national who is both a former worker and the primary carer of her children who are in education, is eligible for homelessness assistance by virtue of enjoying a right to reside pursuant to Article 12 of Regulation (EEC) 1612/68.

R (Ghai v Newcastle City Council and Others & Secretary of State for Justice (Interested Party) & (1) Ramgharia Gurdwara, Hitchin (2) Alice Barker Welfare & Wildlife Trust (3) Equality & Human Rights Commission (4)Hindu Merchants Association (interveners) [2010] EWCA Civ 59 (Court of Appeal). Whether the wishes of an orthodox Hindu that his remains be cremated on a traditional fire could be accommodated under the Cremation Act 1902 and the Cremation (England and Wales) Regulations 2008, whether the kind of structure that he found acceptable for his cremation was a “building” under the 1902 Act.

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Dias [2009] EWCA Civ 807 (Court of Appeal). Whether a EU Residence Permit confers eligibility for income support on a single female head of household who left work to care for her child by virtue of Article 16 of Directive 2004/38/EC or Article 18 of the EC Treaty; referred to the European Court of Justice.

Yesiloz v London Borough of Camden & Anor [2009] EWCA Civ 415 (Court of Appeal). Whether a Turkish asylum seeker on temporary admission and subject to immigration control, as a citizen of a state that had ratified ECSMA, and in respect of whom some provision had been made in social security legislation, ought to be considered as having a right to reside for housing benefit purposes.

Barry v London Borough of Southwark [2008] EWCA Civ 1440 (Court of Appeal). Whether an EEA national was eligible for homelessness assistance as a worker where he had worked for two weeks at a tennis championship and sought to retain worker status.

Baiai & Ors, R (On The Application of) v Secretary of State For The Home Department [2008] UKHL 53 (House of Lords). Whether the scheme introduced by the Secretary of State that limited the rights of those subject to immigration control to enter into a civil marriage infringed the European Convention on Human Rights 1950 Art.12 and was therefore unlawful. The objection inherent in the scheme applied just as much in the case of an illegal entrant as in the case of persons with very limited permission to remain.

Ehiabor v Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea [2008] EWCA Civ 1074 (Court of Appeal). Homelessness: whether a child born in the UK to a person subject to immigration control, who had never left the country, could be a ‘person from abroad’ for the purposes of homelessness legislation.

Paul-Coker, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Southwark [2006] EWHC 497 (Admin) (03 March 2006) [2006] HLR 32 (Administrative Court). Homelessness, interim accommodation pending Review, there was an unreasonable refusal letter failing to adequately adequately apply the ex parte Mohammed test in context of an arguable habitual residence of Claimant.

YD (Turkey) v Secretary of State for Home Department [2006] EWCA Civ 52 (Court of Appeal). Inherent power of Court of Appeal to order stay on removal where an appeal from AIT lodged out of time.

Mohamed, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Harrow [2005] EWHC 3194 (Admin) (13 December 2005) [2006] HLR 18 (Administrative Court). Homelessness, Interim accommodation pending Review, whether EC workers and EU citizens excluded from consideration.

R (Conde) v Secretary of State [2005] EWHC 62 (Admin) [2005] HLR 452 (Administrative Court). Availability of Children Act services to work seekers from EU Member States.

Burns, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Southwark [2004] EWHC 1901 (Admin) (Administrative Court) Whether local authority entitled to rely on Home Office view of immigration status or whether it is required to make its own enquiries.

Chen and Others (Free movement of persons) [2004] EUECJ C-200/02 (19 October 2004) [2005] QB 325, [2005] All ER (EC) 129 [2004] 3 CMLR 1060 (European Court of Justice). Right to reside in UK of primary carer of an EU/Irish citizen in context of right to reside under Article 18 of the EC Treaty.

Secretary of State For The Home Department v. Rehman [2001] UKHL 47 (11thOctober, 2001) [2003] 1 AC 153, [2002]1 All ER 122 (House of Lords) Deportation and National Security.

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What Others Say

Adrian is ranked in both legal directories for immigration. He is ranked in Tier 1 in the Legal 500 2019 and Band 1 in Chambers UK 2019.

In Chambers UK he has been described as having “real flair” and as being “excellent on EU points.” In the Legal 500 he has been described as ‘an “EU whiz-kid” who manages to “unscramble the EU and social security minefield with ease”‘, as having ‘an extensive British nationality law practice’, and as someone whose “commitment to ensuring that EU law can be used to benefit people who would otherwise be destitute is unwavering.”

In Chambers UK 2019, it is written that “He is second to none on EU issues.” “Has extensive knowledge across all areas of immigration, asylum and nationality law.”

In Legal 500 2019, it is written that “His brain works at frightening speed. Highly regarded for his expertise on nationality law.”

In Chambers UK 2018, it is written that “He impresses with his clear analytical thinking and an unrivalled knowledge of the law. In the era of Brexit, he is unquestionably the man to go to for EEA and nationality matters.”

In Legal 500 2017, it is written that “He is a genius; a walking encyclopaedia in both nationality law and European law.”

In Chambers UK 2017, Adrian is described as “An exceptionally skilled junior, whose practice is heavily focused on British nationality and EU free movement law. He routinely receives instructions from large-scale corporations in major commercial immigration matters.” “”An absolutely brilliant brain and a delightful personality – always a pleasure to work with.” “One of the finest legal minds of our time.”

In the Legal 500 2016, it is written that “His knowledge of the EU aspects of immigration law is unrivalled.”

In Chambers UK 2016, it is written that “He remains one of the few true experts on nationality law.” “He knows EEA law inside out. He is a seasoned High Court advocate and is so well connected in the world of immigration law, domestically and throughout Europe.”

In Legal 500 2015, Adrian is described as “Analytical, and extremely clever at complex law; the best of any barrister at EU and nationality law.” Regarding his social housing practice, “His depth of knowledge is excellent.”

In Chambers UK 2015, it is written that Adrian “has an excellent reputation for his work on British nationality, international protection and asylum matters. He is often called upon to advise the UNHCR on statelessness, and he provides businesses, schools and individuals with information on Tier 1 and Tier 4 applications. He is described as “incredibly knowledgeable across all areas of UK immigration law and always willing to take the time to have something run by him.” “Very impressive on nationality issues and statelessness, and a very good advocate and communicator.”

In Chambers UK 2014, Adrian is described as a “guru on European immigration issues,” and as “thorough and highly knowledgeable.” “In EU law he really is the person.” Regarding his practice in social housing, he is described as “bright and articulate,” Adrian Berry has extensive knowledge of the eligibility of EU nationals to housing rights. “He’s really stepped up as a leading junior on EU-related housing cases.” “He’s consistently turning out quality Court of Appeal and European work.” Sources praise him for his ability to convey complex arguments in a concise, clear and persuasive manner.”

In Legal 500 2014, Adrian is highlighted in Social Housing where it is said that “his knowledge of European Law is exceptional and his drafting is precise and clear.” He is also highlighted in Immigration where it is noted that “judges listen to him.”

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Notable Cases & News

Immigration Blog: Recognising British citizens: law, policy, and practice

Blog post by Adrian Berry of the Garden Court Immigration & Public Law Teams.

17 September 2024

Home Office policy of refusing to determine thousands of EUSS applications for leave to remain by EU citizens/EEA nationals found to be unlawful

Adrian Berry of Garden Court Chambers, led by Jamie Burton KC of Doughty Street Chambers, represented the appellant, instructed by Ellen Fotheringham of Public Interest Law Centre.

5 July 2024

Immigration Blog: Garden Court barristers secure clean sweep of Rwanda removals bail victories

Blog post by Georgie Rea of the Garden Court Immigration Law Team.

24 June 2024

Liz Davies KC & Adrian Berry contribute to Legal Action Magazine (Jul/Aug 2024)

Our Liz Davies KC of the Garden Court Housing Law Team and Adrian Berry of the Garden Court Immigration Law Team have written for Legal Action Magazine.

21 June 2024

County Court finds pre-settled status holders eligible for homelessness assistance under Housing Act 1996 on basis of right to equal treatment

The successful Appellant was represented by Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge of Garden Court Chambers, instructed by Shelter.

22 May 2024

Home Office misunderstood British citizenship laws over several decades – Court of Appeal agrees with High Court ruling

The full counsel team included Jessica Simor KC, Adrian Berry of the Garden Court Public Law & Immigration Teams, and Admas Habteslasie, instructed by Solange Valdez-Symonds of Project for the Registration of Children as British Citizens (PRCBC).

20 March 2024

Adrian Berry assists in securing damages for client as Home Office settles for breach of GDPR

Our Adrian Berry acted alongside Matt Lewin of Cornerstone Barristers and David Lemer of Doughty Street Chambers, instructed by Raman Kumar, Nazia Khan and Paviter Juss of Duncan Lewis in the Administrative Court Judicial Review.

20 February 2024

Rwanda Judgment: Supreme Court unanimously rules Rwanda policy is unlawful

Sonali Naik KC, Adrian Berry, Mark Symes, Eva Doerr and Isaac Ricca-Richardson, of Garden Court Chambers, represent AS (Iran). David Sellwood, of Garden Court Chambers, is part of the team representing RM (Iran).

15 November 2023

Rwanda Plan in Supreme Court: Garden Court representing asylum seekers

Sonali Naik KC, Adrian Berry, Mark Symes, Eva Doerr and Isaac Ricca-Richardson, of Garden Court Chambers, represent AS (Iran). David Sellwood, of Garden Court Chambers, is part of the team representing RM (Iran).

9 October 2023

Rwanda Judgment: Court of Appeal rules government plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda is unlawful

Sonali Naik KC, Adrian Berry, Mark Symes, Eva Doerr and Isaac Ricca-Richardson represent AS (Iran). David Sellwood is part of the team representing RM (Iran).

29 June 2023

Court of Appeal allows child’s disability living allowance appeal holding UK was competent state under EU co-ordination rules for social security

The Appellant was represented by Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge of Garden Court Chambers, instructed by William Ford of Osbornes Law Solicitors.

21 April 2023

Garden Court Barristers secure injunctions from the Court of Appeal for last few asylum seekers on Rwanda Flight

The Garden Court team who secured consisted of Sonali Naik QC, Adrian Berry, Grace Brown, Mark Symes, Alex Grigg, Maha Sardar, Ella Gunn, Eva Doer, and Stephen Clark.

15 June 2022

High Court rules on access to emergency accommodation during pandemic to people usually ineligible for support

Liz Davies, Adrian Berry and Connor Johnston of the Garden Court Chambers Housing Team were instructed to represent Shelter.

11 March 2021

Housing Law Handbook: A Practical Guide (Law Society, 2nd edition)

Edited by Stephen Cottle. Contributors: Tim Baldwin, Adrian Berry, Tessa Buchanan, Sophie Caseley, Justine Compton, Sebastian Elgueta, Ed Fitzpatrick, Kevin Gannon, Adrian Marshall Williams, David Renton, Desmond Rutledge and Marina Sergides.

27 August 2020

Crisis unveils draft emergency legislation to end rough sleeping and homelessness

Adrian Berry, Liz Davies and Connor Johnston of the Garden Court Housing Team worked with Crisis to draft the legislation.

1 July 2020

Upper Tribunal rules that a British child living with her mother in the UK will not be entitled to Disability Living Allowance if her father is living and working in another EU State

Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge acted for the Claimant, instructed by William Ford of Osbornes Law. The claimant is considering an appeal to the Court of Appeal.

12 March 2020

Garden Court Housing Team responds to Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government consultation on 'A new deal for renters'

The Garden Court Housing Team welcomes the government’s proposal to abolish no fault evictions (based on s.21 Housing Act 1988).

15 October 2019

HMRC defeated at European Court of Justice on rights for pregnant self-employed EU Citizens

Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge of Garden Court Chambers represented Ms Dakneviciute, instructed by the Welfare Rights Service of the City of Wolverhampton Council.

19 September 2019

The Garden Court Chambers Housing Team respond to the consultation of Terms of Reference of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry

The Grenfell Tower Inquiry has called for responses to the consultation of Terms of Reference.

3 August 2017

Garden Court barristers join #IBelong statelessness debate

Edward Grieves, Adrian Berry and Jo Cecil were invited to speak at a conference examining the significant international human rights issues of arbitrary revocation of citizenship and statelessness.

2 November 2016

Garden Court and Stephanie Harrison QC shortlisted for Human Rights and Public Law awards

Garden Court has been shortlisted at the Chambers Bar Awards, whilst Stephanie and our Public Law Team are shortlisted at the Legal 500 Awards.

21 October 2016

Chambers UK Bar Guide ranks Garden Court in Band 1

Garden Court Chambers recognised as a leading set for immigration, social housing, civil liberties, police law, Court of Protection, crime and inquests and public inquiries.

30 October 2015

Female EU Citizens can retain ‘Worker’ status for pregnancy-related reasons for 52 weeks

The three claimants were represented by Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge of Garden Court Chambers.

21 September 2015

Migrants or refugees?

Adrian Berry appears on Al Jazeera to discuss those fleeing conflict and the language used to describe them.

24 August 2015

Australia prepares to strip citizenship from dual-nationality terrorists

Adrian Berry of Garden Court Chambers speaks to Australia’s ABC News about Federal Government plans to strip dual-nationals involved in terrorism of their Australian citizenship.

27 May 2015

Court of Appeal rules on whether UK is required to make backdated income support payments to refugees

Adrian Berry and Desmond Rutledge were instructed by Hackney Community Law Centre for the appellant.

26 February 2015

Decision to abolish backdating of income support for refugees to be appealed

Court of Appeal to consider whether abolishing backdating of income support for refugees breaches international law

7 July 2014

'The Deprivation of Citizenship in the United Kingdom: History, Practice, Law and Ethics' Conference

Adrian Berry and Amanda Weston are due to speak at this conference on the deprivation of citizenship in the UK, which will take place on Friday 14 February 2014.

21 January 2014

Garden Court Chambers ranked Band 1 in Chambers UK 2014

We are once again delighted to have been ranked as a leading set by Chambers and Partners in the Chambers UK 2014 directory.

31 October 2013

Garden Court Chambers recommended as Top Tier Set in Legal 500 2013

Garden Court Chambers is once again delighted to have been recommended as a Top Tier Set in this year's Legal 500. We are recommended in six areas of law as a set, with 11 silks and 27 junior barristers recognised individually.

25 September 2013

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  • Fransman’s British Nationality Law (3rd edition, 2011) contributor to all chapters.
  • Asylum Law and Practice (Bloomsbury Professional, 2010), contributed the chapter on ‘Treatment of Asylum Seekers’
  • Blackstone’s Guide to the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 (OUP, 2010) co-author (wrote the chapters on British nationality)
  • Housing Law Handbook (Law Society, 2009), co-author, contributed the chapter on ‘Housing outside the Parts 6 and 7 of the Housing Act 1996’
  • Support for Asylum Seekers and other Migrants (Legal Action Group, 2009), contributed the chapter on benefits.
  • Blackstone’s Guide to the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (2009) (contributed the chapter on ‘Foreign Criminals’/Special Immigration Status)
  • Jackson and Warr’s Immigration Law and Practice (4th Edition, 2008) (contributor, ‘The right of abode’/British nationality)
  • JCWI Immigration, Nationality and Refugee Law Handbook 2006 (contributor, British nationality chapters)
  • Dealing with your Dismissal (Hodder Headline 2000), author (concerning dismissal and redundancy law)


  • Deprivation of Nationality and Citizenship – The Role of EU Law Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law Volume 28 Number 4 2015 pp. 355-366
  • The Right to Marry and Immigration Control: The Compatibility of Home Office policy with Article 12 and Article 14 ECHR in Baiai Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law Volume 23 Number 1 2009 pp. 41-50
  • Border Trouble: The UK Borders Act 2007 New Law Journal 158 NLJ 201 8 February 2008
  • Social Rights under Directive 2004/38/EC Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law Volume 21 Number 3 2007 pp. 233-244

Training and Seminars

Adrian provides on-line and in person training courses in British nationality law, EU law, immigration law, community care law, migrant welfare law, housing law, social security law and immigration law. He has provided accredited training for the Academy of European Law, Garden Court Chambers, ILPA, HLPA, JCWI, Legal Action, law centres, and local authorities. Private training on tailored topics can be provided on request. 


  • MA (1994)
  • M. Litt. (1996)

Professional Membership

  • Administrative Law Bar Association (ALBA)
  • Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA) (Chair)
  • Social Security Law Practitioners’ Association (SSLPA)
  • Haldane Society

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